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The Unpredictable Life of Me

I'm one of those people who laughs too hard at their own jokes before they can finish telling them. I trip over flat surfaces and I always burn my tongue on my coffee because I'm not patient enough to let it cool first. Let's be friends.

Welcome to the depths of my mind, where my thoughts wander to all things Harry Potter, what Netflix series I’m going to watch next and if I should really spend five dollars on an iced caramel macchiato from Dunkin’ Donuts.

Cue one of the many Harry Potter quotes I recite every day:

“Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn't mean we all have."

I admire Hermione Granger. She's a pure genius, I'd say.

I’m a Libra, a Criminal Minds enthusiast and my favorite princess is Rapunzel from Tangled. I tend to look on the bright side of things and I love love. I snort when I laugh and I talk with my hands, and sometimes—only sometimes— I speak too fast where people can’t understand what I’m saying. What can I say? I get excited.

Honestly, I’m just a 21-year-old college student trying to figure out life as I go, and I thought I’d bring you along for the ride. I like to pretend I know what I’m doing and that I’m perfectly put together, but I’m not. I’m just Abby, and I’m okay with that.

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while now but I kept avoiding the idea because I was scared of putting myself out therein cyberspace where my writing wasn’t just in the comfort of my own sanctuary anymore, but in a place where anyone and everyone can read it.

I’m proud to say that this is my corner of the Internet now—my new place I’m calling home— so you guys might as well get to know me like an old friend you used to send memes to.

Go grab some Cheetos, or maybe some of those finger sandwiches they sell in the Publix deli aisle, and let’s do this thing.

With love, Abby

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